Monday, May 23, 2011

Basketball Wives is what i call Flaming Ball...

When this show first came out i was a bit hesitant about it, i did not like the women cause we all know they were EX-GROUPIES an they try to act like they got class...lets be real. After watching the second season, these women seemed more interesting. It was all fire flaming drama. Everyone got around with everyone else's man. Im like great, there we go; Groupies...Now we are talking. i honestly enjoyed the entire season 2, you should all watch it, pretty interesting. What really touched me though, is that many of them were hurt by these Athletes, and that is something i don't wish on any woman, so i took a minute to understand where they were coming from. On the other hand, none of those girls are real, they all try to fight for the spot light which creates chaos. My favorite so far is Tammy and my least favorite is Jennifer " she looks sneaky". I like Evelyn cuz makes the show interesting with her feisty uncivilized drama scenes, while Shaunie hmmm.... whats her role in the show again?. This show will never reach the scale of the The real housewives of Nj, Atlanta or Beverly Hills. For girls their status, i guess this is pretty great for them. Keep the drama going, it is interesting.


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