Friday, June 25, 2010

Beauty comes in all forms

As i surf the web, my heart shrinks in pain, shame and sadness as i see several articles that judge beauty by race and religion. A religion is a belief and practice, how could it possibly become a physical characteristic or feature in a person's face? How could a person's skin color become a sign of ugliness?? What has the world come to????
Beauty comes in all shapes and colors. Whether you are tall/short, Black/white, Large/small,or even blonde or brunette, it does not matter because you are still BEAUTIFUL in you own way.
Beauty is reflected from the warmness and cleanness of your heart, the pureness of your smile and the positivity of your thoughts.

The picture above are of woman who are Christian, Muslim and Jew, and these woman come in different colors and shapes. I refuse to specify which one is which, so that the world can refrain from biases and racism. After all they are Beautiful no matter what.


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