Thursday, June 17, 2010

Your Hair is your Beauty!

We all admire beautiful shiny hair of models, and we wish our hair would fly flirtatiously every time a wind breeze hits it. Well, the good news is we could all have healthy silky hair if we take good care of it.

After further research i came across some tips to make your hair healthy and soft.

1. Wash you hair only twice a week. Washing your hair often strips it from its natural oils.
2. Use conditioner to keep hair soft and detangled.
3. Put a hair mask one a week to strengthen your hair and restore its moisture.
4. Brush your hair or massage it to revive your hair follicles.
5. Trim your hair only every 3 months to get rid of dead ends.
6. Stay away from Curling irons, Hair perms, Keratin, Flat iron and Blow-dryer.

Amazing products to use to keep your hair healthy:

Moroccan Oil masks and oil treatment
Kerastase Oleo-Relax nutritive serum and Ciment Thermique
Frederic Fekkai hair Products
John-Freida hair serum


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